You are here : Administrator Tools > Admin Masters > Authorization of Transactions Authorization of Transactions
This option allows user to specify whether entries made in Item Vendor Purchase Master and Item Vendor Labour Master in Purchase Module require to be authorized or not.
Item Vendor Purchase Master Entry
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if Item Vendor Purchase Master transaction should be authorized once it is created. A Transaction becomes valid only after it is authorized. Moreover it also becomes unavailable for any change. This prevents it from being altered by unauthorized people
If the flag is 'Off', Transaction need not be authorized after its creation. A user can keep on editing it as and when required.
Item Vendor Labour Master Entry
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if Item Vendor Labour Master transaction should be authorized once it is created. A Transaction becomes valid only after it is authorized. Moreover it also becomes unavailable for any change. This prevents it from being altered by unauthorized people
If the flag is 'Off', Transaction need not be authorized after its creation. A user can keep on editing it as and when required.
Please note that if a user changes the 'Authorization Required' flag from 'On' to 'Off' and there are some previous Transactions pending to be Authorized then in such cases the user first needs to authorize all those Transactions and only after that the flag can be changed. |
Once done, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.